a woman holding a water bottle

How to Clean and Maintain Your Infusion Water Bottle for Longevity

Infusion water bottles have become increasingly popular for flavoring water with fruit, herbs or veggies while on the go. But like any bottle, they require proper cleaning and care for longevity.

Follow this guide on how to clean an infusion water bottle and keep it in tip-top shape!

green water bottle

Why Clean Your Infusion Bottle?

There are a few key reasons you’ll want to keep your infusion water bottle clean:

  • Prevent buildup – Ingredients like fruit and veggies can leave behind residue that accumulates over time. This also provides an environment for bacteria to grow.
  • Avoid mold – If leftover organic matter stays damp in the bottle, mold can begin to develop. This can happen quickly in the moist interior.
  • Improve durability – Regular cleaning helps the bottle maintain its integrity and prevents cracks, cloudiness or damage over time with repeated use.
  • Refresh flavors – Keeping the interior clean allows you to taste the subtle nuances of new infusion flavors versus muddled old ones.
  • Stay hydrated – Sipping from a clean bottle is more enjoyable, motivating you to meet your daily water intake goals.

Supplies for Cleaning

Before getting started, you’ll want to gather the following cleaning supplies:

  • Mild dish soap
  • Bottlebrush
  • Baking soda
  • Fresh lemons or lemon juice
  • Water vinegar or apple cider vinegar
  • Hydrogen peroxide (optional)
  • Kosher or sea salt (optional)

Look for a bottle brush that has a skinny end to reach the bottom of your infusion vessel. Avoid using bleach or harsh detergents that can leave behind residue.

How Often to Clean

How frequently you clean your infusion bottle depends on how often you use it:

  • Daily use – Clean thoroughly every 2-3 days
  • Moderate use – Clean every 4-5 days
  • Occasional use – Clean weekly
  • After extended storage – Clean before first use

Clean more frequently if you let ingredients infuse for many hours or notice any lingering smells or residue.

Cleaning Methods

Here are some simple, natural methods to clean and sanitize your infusion water bottle.

  1. Baking Soda and Lemon

The acidity of lemon teams up with the grit of baking soda for an effective cleaning combo.

Add 2 tbsp baking soda and the juice of 1 lemon to the bottle. Fill halfway with warm water. Cover and shake vigorously to mix ingredients and scrub the interior. Rinse thoroughly and air dry.

      2. Vinegar Rinse

Vinegar’s antimicrobial properties kill bacteria for a quick cleaning solution.

Fill the bottle 1/4 full with white vinegar or apple cider vinegar. Add warm water to fill. Cover and shake well. Let sit for 5 minutes before rinsing.

      3.  Sea Salt Scrub

The coarse texture of sea salt or kosher salt scrubs away residue.

Add 2 tbsp coarse salt and enough warm water to coat the bottom of the bottle. Cover and shake to scour inside. Rinse thoroughly when finished.

     4. Hydrogen Peroxide Rinse

Hydrogen peroxide is a mild bleach that kills germs with oxygen bubbles.

Add 2 tbsp hydrogen peroxide to the bottle and fill halfway with cool water. Let bubble and work for 5 minutes. Rinse well.

Deep Cleaning Methods

For a more thorough deep clean, try these techniques:

Bleach Soak

Add 1 tsp bleach and fill the bottle with warm water. Let soak for 15-20 minutes. This strong base kills germs. Rinse very thoroughly after soaking.

Brush Cleaning

Use a skinny bottle brush dipped in soapy water to vigorously scrub the interior. Target any visible residue. Rinse fully when done brushing.

Baking Soda Paste

Make a paste with 3 parts baking soda to 1 part water. Coat interior with paste and let sit 5 minutes before rinsing – scrubbing gently with a bottle brush if needed.

Steam Cleaning

Fill the kettle with water and bring to a boil. Hold the infusion bottle upside down over steam for 5 minutes to penetrate and loosen the residue. Rinse the bottle with hot water after steaming.

preparation for cleaning the bottle

Cleaning Tips

Follow these tips for keeping your infusion water bottle fresh and clean:

  • Rinse thoroughly after each use to prevent buildup.
  • Allow to fully air dry after cleaning to prevent mold growth.
  • Deep clean weekly for bottles used daily.
  • Use bottle brushes or other scrubbers to manually remove grime.
  • Alternate different cleaning methods to target various residues.
  • Shake up baking soda and vinegar mixtures to increase cleaning power.
  • If smells persist, deep clean then let the bottle soak overnight in lemon water.

Maintaining Your Infusion Bottle

Aside from regular cleaning, a few maintenance tips will also extend the life of your bottle:

Inspect for Damage

Check for cracks, cloudiness or scratched plastic that make the bottle unsafe for use. Replace the bottle if severely damaged.

Prevent Odors

Store open and upright to let air circulate. Storing capped can trap smells. Add lemon rind or baking soda inside to absorb odors.

Use Properly

Avoid dropping, leaving in extreme temps, or pouring boiling water in a bottle. This can weaken integrity.

Replace Parts

If gaskets, caps or infusers wear out over time, replace components to keep the bottle functioning properly.

Keep Hydrated!

Continued use keeps rubber and plastic components flexible. Frequent cleaning also removes odors.

When to Replace Your Bottle

Over time, even with diligent cleaning and maintenance, wear and tear will require fully replacing your infusion water bottle. Here are some signs it’s time to retire your trusty bottle:

  • Persistent odors that cleaning can’t remove
  • Permanent stains or cloudiness
  • Cracked plastic or glass
  • Leaks from the cap or body of the bottle
  • Worn-out infuser basket that’s hard to clean

For the healthiest hydration and best-tasting infused water, swap out your bottle for a fresh one at the first signs of deterioration.

Troubleshooting Common Cleaning Issues

Having some trouble getting your infusion bottle squeaky clean? Try these tips to target specific cleaning challenges:

Lingering Odors

  • Scrub the interior thoroughly with a bottle brush and soapy water
  • Soak in hydrogen peroxide and water solution
  • Sprinkle baking soda inside and leave overnight
  • Deep clean then let air dry fully open to release smells

Cloudy Residue

  • Soak in diluted vinegar to dissolve mineral deposits
  • Use salt or rice with water to vigorously scrub away the film
  • Swirl denture cleaner inside the bottle before rinsing
  • Wash with dish soap and scrub with a bottle brush

Mold Growth

  • Clean any visible mold immediately with hydrogen peroxide
  • Soak in bleach water solution to kill spores and sanitize
  • Use a skinny bottle brush dipped in vinegar to remove mold
  • Avoid leaving damp ingredients inside for prolonged periods


  • Make a baking soda paste and coat stained areas before rinsing
  • Fill with cream of tartar solution and shake vigorously to lift stains
  • For tough stains, soak in diluted bleach solution for 10 minutes then scrub

Difficult-to-Reach Spots

  • Use extra skinny bottle brushes made to scrub narrow spaces
  • Fill with rice or salt and shake vigorously to scour hard-to-reach spots
  • Let fizzing denture or tablet cleaners work inside before scrubbing

With some targeted troubleshooting, you can get your infusion bottle back to like-new condition. Be sure to do a spot test first on stained bottles to prevent damage to finishes.

Storing Your Infusion Bottle

To maintain a clean infusion water bottle:

Between Uses

  • Empty the water out fully and allow it to dry before sealing the cap
  • Store upright and open without a cap to allow air circulation
  • Place near a dehumidifier to prevent dampness

Extended Storage

  • Give a thorough cleaning before storage
  • Allow to fully air dry upside down
  • Place crumpled newspaper inside to keep shape and absorb moisture
  • Put in a cool, dry location away from direct light

Proper storage between uses and during long-term storage prevents mold growth, odors and deterioration.

Enjoying Your Clean Infusion Bottle

With regular cleaning and maintenance, your infusion water bottle should provide years of flavorful hydration. Here are some tips to keep enjoying your fresh bottle:

  • Vary your infusion ingredients to keep flavors exciting
  • Try new combinations like fruit with herbs or citrus with veggies
  • Use seasonal produce like watermelon in summer or pumpkin in fall
  • Mix and match different flavors for fruit punch infusions
  • Try chilling your bottle overnight for refreshing cold water all-day
  • Squeeze in lemons, limes or orange slices for zesty water
  • Create recipes like berry mint or cucumber lemonade
  • Make large batches of infused water all week long

Don’t let dirty bottles or boring flavors stop you from infusing and staying hydrated. With our cleaning tips and inspiration, you’ll be motivated to keep filling up your water bottle with delicious combinations.

Stay refreshed and healthy by making your infusion of water part of your daily routine. Just be sure to give your bottle the occasional cleaning it needs to keep performing at its best. Happy infusing!

Choosing an Infusion Bottle

With so many choices on the market, it can be tricky to select the best infusion water bottle for your needs. Here are some factors to consider:


Common materials include plastic, glass, stainless steel or BPA-free plastic. Glass allows you to monitor cleaning while stainless steel offers durability.


Look for a capacity of 20-32 ounces to meet hydration needs without being bulky for transport.

Infuser Type

Options are removable rods, built-in baskets or infusion chambers. Removable rods provide versatility.


Insulated bottles keep water cold for hours, while non-insulated are easier to clean.

Mouth Size

A wide mouth allows you to add ice and clean the interior with a brush. A narrow mouth prevents spilling.

Lid Style

Lids with straws or flip tops make drinking convenient. Some lids twist off fully for easy filling and cleaning.


Select a stylish bottle you enjoy using. Vibrant colors and sleek designs make hydrating more fun.

Take time to evaluate your priorities, such as portability, ease of cleaning, insulation needs and budget to select your ideal infusion water bottle.

the constructions of the bottle

Safely Infusing Your Water

Now that you have a clean, fresh infusion bottle, let’s go over some tips for safely infusing your water:

  • Wash all produce before placing it in a bottle
  • Use filtered water for the best taste
  • Slice ingredients small or crush them to release flavors
  • Remove pits, leaves or rinds that may leach bitterness
  • Keep the bottle refrigerated to prevent mold growth
  • Avoid leaving cut produce inside for more than 24 hours
  • Clean bottles routinely to prevent contamination
  • Monitor water scent and appearance for unpleasant changes
  • Never infuse with ingredients that have gone bad

By taking a few precautions, you can safely enjoy all the benefits of delicious infusion water anytime. Share your favorite infusion combos and cleaning tips with us!



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